THE path To CLient Success

66 Express Outside the Beltway
TCG spearheaded the PR efforts of a public/private mega project
in Northern Virginia
Their Situation:
A privately financed dynamic-toll roadway serving the Northern Virginia region hired TCG to provide expertise in strategic communications, media monitoring, social media listening, political outreach, and both media and public relations.
Applying our skills in grassroots advocacy, crisis response management, and crafting accessible communications strategies – combined with our knowledge of the key players in the region’s media and politics – we developed a systemized routine which closely monitors the local mediascape (including traditional and social media) to identify trending topics and public sentiment.
Our Results:
— TCG successfully produced and publicized a major Grand Opening event featuring Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin among a host of local, state, and federal dignitaries, attracting a bevy of interest from the media and the public.
– TCG launched a campaign – through social media, marketing materials, and story placements in local media – to educate drivers (from commuters to businesses) about their new travel option and the reliability it provides.
– We also produce proactive communications to promote our client’s key messaging, manage incoming media inquiries, and advise our client on strategic responses to control the narrative and encourage positive sentiment.

Bank of America & Merrill
TCG represented a nationwide team in the greater Washington DC market
Their Situation:
Bank of America needed to enhance its visibility and amplify its corporate voice across multiple regional levels. Via an intermediary firm, they hired TCG to help secure earned-media mentions, stories and appearances while augmenting their corporate reputation and exposure in Washington DC .
Working with the highest levels of each company’s leadership, TCG successfully led the effort to make the corporate message relatable to the average person and served as a go-to source for media inquiries.
Our Results:
– Using our professional spokespersons and stories crafted with either timeless or DC-centric themes, TCG secured the needed media appearances for this Fortune 100 company
– Focused on regional broadcast TV and radio appearances and coverage in the Washington Business Journal, Washington Post and other national publications of similar stature.
– We conducted media training for the leadership in the DC market and prepared them for difficult questions and situations that the might encounter.
– Created a regular feature with key advisors on local TV sharing financial tips and humanizing the BofA and Merrill brand.

Ford Motor Company
TCG placed stories across the Washington DC media market
Their Situation:
Ford Motor Company was searching for a local Washington DC firm to assist their efforts to promote the brand and share its innovative approachs to the emerging technology and EV advancements they were making.
Our Results:
– TCG successfully placed dozens of stories promoting Ford and the brand.
– Key stories included around the annual Washington DC Auto Show, hands-free driving safety, EVs and more.
– Built deep relationships with influential car bloggers in the Greater DC area and had numerous stories placed highlighting Ford and its products like the F-150 Lightning.

Loudoun Rail Now
TCG lead the team that turned the tide on Rail to Loudoun County
Their Situation:
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (Metro) system is in the midst of its largest expansion ever. Without Loudoun County’s support, the project would have been delayed for years or potentially scuttled ending short of the airport.
We responded immediately by surveying residents about the public perception of this issue and to identify key opposition messages that resonated best among local citizens.
Our Results:
Having started in late March of 2012 Loudoun Rail Now was the critical element to the July 3, 2012, vote for Loudoun County to remain a part of this project. Key results included:
– Supporters outnumbered opponents 4-to-1 at the critical public hearing
– Over 7,000 signed petitions were collected from door-to-door efforts and events (double the largest of any other petition on record)
– Hundreds of emails and Facebook messages were received by the all-Republican Loudoun County Board. The social media debate was dominated by LRN supporters
– We dominated with public appearances of strength with dozens of supporters wearing green “Loudoun Rail Now” shirts we made and distributed.

TCG became the key link between Fortune 100 company and the community
Their Situation:
AT&T, a major International telecommunications company had a previous application in Loudoun County that was withdrawn after significant and vocal community opposition. The project was unorganized and poorly messaged and their corporate reputation damaged.
Our goal is to make lines of communication on the project clear and to engage both supporters and opposition.
Our Results:
– The Casey Group has already identified over a dozen key business supporters as well as made contact with critical government officials, both who could influence and ultimately make the decision.
– Identifying supporters, like the local Chamber of Commerce and technology advocates as well as local businesses who stand to benefit, is central to the task.